8th QATEM Workshop, 24-25 April 2025, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang (China)
Call for papers is now available

7th QATEM Workshop, 29 June 2023, Valenciennes (France)
● Determinant Factors of lncoming Skiers in Nagano, Japan: A Dynamic Panel Data
Mode/ Approach from Supply-side Perspective. Yasuo Ohe (Tokyo University of Agriculture. Japan)
● Second Homes lnvestment. An Agent-Based Mode/ in the Context of Complex Systems, Maria José Alonsopérez (Universidad de la Republica Uruguay, Uruguay)
● Regulating short-term rentai platforms: where, how and in the interest of whom?, Malgorzata Ogonowska (University of Paris 8, France) and Sauveur Giannonni (University of Corsica, France)
● The impact of hotel openings on the commercial structure. Evidence from a natural experiment, Oriol Anguera-Torrell (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)
● Looking for tacit collusion in the hotel industry: Hedonic prices and market concentration, Pedro Aznar (ESADE Business School, Ramon Llull University, Spain)
● Evaluation of the performance of the HR policy of apprentice’s employer:
the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) matrix perspective, Laurent Botti (University of Perpignan Via Domitia, France).
● Eco-Efficiency Analysis in tourism studies: A Meta-Regression Analysis, Linjia Zhang (Xian Jiaotong – Liverpool University, China)
● The fear of entrepreneuriat fail ure during the COV/0-19 crisis : insights from the sma/1
businesses operating in the hospitality sector, Nabil Khelil (University of Caen, France), Rozenn Perrigot (University of Rennes, France) and Anna Watson (Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland).
● Travel intention during COV/0-19: Determinants of Consumer Choice, Neelu Seetaram (Leeds Beckett University, UK)
● Travel cost, travel distance and tourism demand in East Africa (Andrea Saayman, North-West University, South Africa)
● An econometric investigation of the demand for international tourism, by ranges of quality
and by destination, Dropsy Vincent (University of French Polynesia, France), Jean-Jacques Nowak (University of Lille, France), Mondher Sahli (University of French Polynesia, France and Victoria University of Wellington, NZ), Sylvain Petit (Polytechnic University Hauts-de-France, France)
● Can tourism be a way to diversify regional economies: the case of the Ulytau region of Kazakhstan, Dinara Salauatova (Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Kazakhstan) and Aizhan Tleuberdinova, RSME lnstitute of Economies Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan)
● Restaurants: To appear or not to appear in TV competition shows, Oriol Anguera-Torrell (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)
● Thresho/ds and dynamic of tourism development traps: a cross-destinations analysis, David Perrain and Philippe Jean-Pierre (University of Reunion, France)
● Are imports a bad thing in tourism?, Mondher Sahli (University of French Polynesia, France and Victoria University of Wellington, NZ) and Jean-Jacques Nowak (University of Lille, France)
● Tourism productivity, explanatory factors and complexity, Hai Dong (Henan Normal University, China), Qi Bin Liang and Nicolas Peypoch (University of Perpignan Via Domitia, France)
6th QATEM Workshop, 14 June 2018, Papeete (French Polynesia)
- Tourism, Insularity and Remoteness: a Gravity-Based Approach. Vincent Dropsy (University of French Polynésia).
- Mobility on a Small Island Destination: The case of Lanzarote Island. Roberto Rendeiro Martín-Cejas (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain) and Rafael Suárez Vega (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain).
- The Malmquist Productivity Index and Plant Capacity Utilisation in Chinese Tourism. Kristiaan Kerstens (IESEG, Lille, France) Jafar Sadeghi (Kharazmi University, Iran), Ignace Van de Woestyne (KU Leuven, Belgium) and Linjia Zhang (Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China).
- The impact of ancillary expenditures on the image of the destination and the poststay behaviours The case of tourism in French Polynesia. Pierre Ghewy (UPF) and Benjamin Teva Belli (UPF).
- Tourism activities companies in a sustainable adventure tourism destination: the blooming case of the Azores. João Ponte (Fundo de Maneio, Portugal), Gualter Couto (University of the Azores), Carlos Santos (University of the Azores), Pedro Pimenteld (University of the Azores) and André Oliveira (Fundo de Maneio, Portugal.
- You won’t be sleeping at my place! Testing for discrimination in access to tourism accommodation services. Mathieu Bunel (University of New Caledonia), Yannick L’Horthy (Unversity of Paris Est), Souleymane Mbaye (University of Paris Est), Loïc du Parquet (University of Paris Est) and Pascale Petit (University of Paris Est).
- Economic growth and market-segment choice in tourism-based economies. Sauveur Giannoni (University of Corsica, Pascal Paoli, France), Juan Hernandez (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain) and Jorge Perez-Rodriguez (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain).
- Complementary effect or substitutive effect: an investigation of spatial interdependency of attractions. Bo Zhou (Xiamen University, China), Bi Yang (Pennsylvania State University, USA) and Yi Liu (Jinan University, China).
- The French Polynesian tourism sector in 2007-2017: A panel data gravity model. Gil Montant (UPF).
- Assessing the Role of Social Media on Tourism Recovery in Tsunami Hit Coastal Areas in Tohoku, JAPAN. Miho Fukui (Chiba University, Japan) and Yasuo Ohe (Chiba University).
- Environmental approaches in the hotel industry,are they desired by tourists? Elisabeth Robinot (University of Quebec), Léo Trespeuch (University of Trois Rivières) and Aurélie Corne (University of Perpignan, France).
- A comparison of hedonic pricing and discrete choice techniques for estimating tourist willingness to pay. Lorenzo Masiero (The Hong-Kong Polytechnic University, China), Yang Yang (Temple University, Philadelphia USA) and Richard Tianran Qiu (The HongKong Polytechnic University, China).
- The role of exports in African countries: a comparative study of Mauritius and Tunisia. Mondher Sahli (Victoria University, Wellington) and Simon Carrey (New Zealand Treasury).

5th QATEM Workshop, 26 August 2016, Potchefstroom (South Africa)
This 5th edition is co-organized by North-West University (South Africa) and University of Perpignan, CRESEM-EA 7397 (France)
- Cultural Proximity and Bilateral Tourism Flow. Sylvain Petit (University of Valenciennes) and Neelu Seetaram (Bournemouth University, UK).
- Optimal market mix of French destinations. Laurent Botti and Hanitra Rakotondramaro (University of Perpignan, France).
- Measuring the efficiency of Tunisian tourism industry: a non-parametric approach. Rabiaa Hsouna, Hatem Salah (Carthage IHEC, Tunisia) and Mondher Sahli (University of Wellington, NZ).
- Evaluating Determinants of Farmer’s Identity toward Educational Tourism. Yasuo Ohe (Chiba University, Japan).
- How Competitive are South African Tourism prices?. Lindie Du Plessis and Melville Saayman (North-West University, South Africa).
- Marketing Branding by Using the Data Envelopment Analysis: Supply Chain Management performance in Tourism Destination in the United Kingdom (Kongmanwattana Papangkorn, Thailand).
- Assessing divers’ willingness to pay for user fees in the Portofino Marine Protected Area (North-West University, South Africa).

4th QATEM Workshop, 9 May 2014, Narita (Japan)
This 4th edition is co-organized by University of Chiba (Japan) and University of Perpignan, CAEPEM-EA 4606 (France)
- Understanding tipping behaviour: an economic perspective. Melville Saayman and Andrea Saayman (North-West University, South Africa)
- Impact of political instability on Thai meeting industry. Bongkosh Rittichainuwat (Siam University, Thailand)
- A critical look at the economic impact studies carried out in the context of tourism events. François de Grandpré (University of Québec at Trois-Rivières, Canada)
- The economic contribution of tourism in small island states. Stephen Pratt (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China)
- Intra-tourism trade, income distribution and tourism endowment: an econometric Investigation. Joseph Hanna, Loïc Lévi and Sylvain Petit (University of Valenciennes et duHainaut Cambrésis, France)
- Hotel classification premium and neighborhood effects in a mid-sized tourism-oriented island: a recursive ordered probit approach. Olivier Beaumais and Sauveur Giannoni (Paris West University and University of Corte, France)
- Tourism destination competitiveness in European zone: a comparison of DEA, super-efficiency DEA and ELECTRE III. Abad Arnaud and Papangkorn Kongmanwatana (University of Perpignan, France)
- French destination efficiency: a general Shortage Function and Dual Approach. Louisa Andriamasy Raboazafy and Hanitra Rakotondramaro (University of Perpignan, France)
- Why do they choose spa destination? a case of Japanese spa tourists. Hiromi Kamata and Yuki Misui (Shukutoku University, Japan)
- Inbound tourists, resident aliens and domestic climbers: a segment-based expenditure analysis of Fujisan’s 2008 summer season. Tom Jones, Uichi Hayashi, Kiyotatsu Yamamoto and Shigeo Aramaki (Meiji University, Japan)

3rd QATEM Workshop, 13th July 2012, Corte (France)
This 3th edition is co-organized by University of Corte, LISA-UMR CNRS 6240 (France) and University of Perpignan, CAEPEM-EA 4606 (France)
- The rise, the development, and the organizational structure of tourism destinations. Paolo Figini (University of Bologna, Italy)
- Evaluating complementarity between local brand farm products. Yasuo Ohe (University of Chiba, Japan)
- Globalization and tourism: theoretical and empirical trade examination. Sylvain Petit (University of Valenciennes, France)
- Barcelona city breaks: defining image perception profiles. Raquel Camprubi (University of Girona, Spain)
- Sustainable tourism and the emergence of new environmental norms. Dominique Torre (University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France)
- Exchange rate volatility and tourism – revisiting the nature of the relationship. Andrea Saayman and Melville Saayman (North-West university, South Africa)
- Moroccan tourist portfolio efficiency with the mean-variance approach. Sara Sbai and Agathe Stenger (University of Perpignan, France)
- Robinson Crusoe revisited: water resources dynamics in a mid-size island economy. Olivier Beaumais (University of Rouen, France)
- Estimation of the environmental and spatial attractions of rural tourism: the case of La Gomera Island, Spain. Juan Hernandez-Guerra (University of La Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain)

2nd QATEM Workshop, 2 July 2010, Perpignan, France
- Does conservation make sense to local communities? Andrea Saayman, Melville Saayman and Riaan Rossouw (South Africa)
- Evaluating agritourism activities in Italy: Facility-based or local culture-based? Yasuo Ohe (Japan) and Adriano Ciani (Italy)
- Structural equation modeling in tourism demand forecasting: A critical review. Guy Assaker, Vincenzo Esposito Vinzi and Peter O’Connor (France)
- On the relationship between tourism and growth in Latin America. Stefania Lionetti (Switzerland)
- Is the tourism led growth thesis valid? The case of the Bahamas, Barbados and Jamaica. Diaram Ramjee Singh, Allan S. Wright, Carolyn Hayl and Roland Craigwell (Jamaica)
- Tourism image fragmentation: the case of Perpignan. Raquel Camprubi (Spain)
- Simulation model for a joint mass/rural tourism system. Juan M. Hernandez Guerra (Spain)
- Modelling and forecasting international tourism demand for Tunisia: A time varying parameter approach. Salem Hathroubi (Tunisia)
- Quality of the Azores destination in the perspective of toutists. Carlos Santos, Gualter Couto, Pedro Pimentel and José Cabral Vieira (Portugal)
- Discrete time touristic volume analysis in mean-variance spaces: The French hospitality sector situation. Olga Goncalves and Hermann Ratsimbanierana (France)

1st QATEM Workshop, 27 June 2008, Perpignan, France
- Tourism productivity: incentives and obstacles to fostering growth (Stefania Lionetti, Italy)
- Hierarchical structure of the internationalized Spanish hotel industry (Juan Gabriel Brida, Italy, Laura Parte Esteban, Spain, Wiston Adrián Risso, Italy, María Jesús Such Devesa, Spain)
- Spatial Distribution of Inbound Tourism in China: Determinants and Implications (Jianhong Zhang, Netherlands)
- Using Time Series Techniques to Forecast Demand: A Hospitality Management Application (Leonard A Jackson, USA)
- Americans travelling to Europe. A new perspective based on persistence (L. Gil-Alana, Spain)
- A Tourism Demand Model Including the effect of population density (Yolanda Santana-Jiménez and Juan M. Hernández, Spain)
- Why travel motivation and socio-demographics matter in managing a national park (Melville Saayman and Andrea Saayman, South Africa)
- Evaluating Operators’ Attitudes toward Diversification and Dependence on Local Tourism Resources: Case of Farm-Based Accommodations in Western Japan (Yasuo Ohe, Japan)
- The perceived importance of wineries and wine tourism features for tourists (Cohen Eli and Livnat Bennun, Israel)
- International trade and bilateral tourism flows (Jean-Jacques Nowak, Sylvain Petit and Mondher Salhi, France)
- The macroeconomic effects of tourism marketing – a simple dynamic model (Stefan F. Schubert and J.G. Brida, Italy)
- Tourism development, environmental assets and residents’ welfare: a neoclassical approach. (Sauveur Giannoni, France)
- Determinants of demand for exports of tourism: an Unobserved Component Model (Bernardina Algieri, Italy and Stella Kanellopoulou, Greece)