5th QATEM Workshop, 26 August 2016, Potchefstroom (South Africa) This 5th edition is co-organized by North-West University (South Africa) and University of Perpignan, CRESEM-EA 7397 (France) Cultural Proximity and Bilateral Tourism Flow. Sylvain Petit (University of...
4th QATEM Workshop, 9 May 2014, Narita (Japan) This 4th edition is co-organized by University of Chiba (Japan) and University of Perpignan, CAEPEM-EA 4606 (France) Understanding tipping behaviour: an economic perspective. Melville Saayman and...
3rd QATEM Workshop, 13th July 2012, Corte (France) This 3th edition is co-organized by University of Corte, LISA-UMR CNRS 6240 (France) and University of Perpignan, CAEPEM-EA 4606 (France) The rise, the development, and the organizational...
2nd QATEM Workshop, 2 July 2010, Perpignan, France Does conservation make sense to local communities? Andrea Saayman, Melville Saayman and Riaan Rossouw (South Africa) Evaluating agritourism activities in Italy: Facility-based or local...
1st QATEM Workshop, 27 June 2008, Perpignan, France Tourism productivity: incentives and obstacles to fostering growth (Stefania Lionetti, Italy) Hierarchical structure of the internationalized Spanish hotel industry (Juan Gabriel Brida,...